Monday, November 24, 2008

The Wandering Uterus, etc.

I've been extremely busy so I apologize for not updating Visual Influence as much as I would like. Just a quick update about my other projects:

I've been posting on my blog/zine The Wandering Uterus quite a bit lately. Personal stuff but if you are interested in knowing me on a more intimate level, that's where I share about all the randomness that is ME.

I'll keep Visual Influence for art inspirations and influences.

The Emergence Project
has a new look.

And make sure to check out The Eclipse Gallery's blog for updates on what is going on over there--sneak peeks of our upcoming artists and keeping up with our renovations.


Eleanor said...

thanks for all the links...

the new emergence project site looks great

please sir said...

Neat thanks for the updates!